

Affordable Luxury Brand VETEMENTS launchesVegetarianism” Collection to Convey the Idea of Healthy Diet





你每吃进一斤牛肉,就会为这个世界增加大约 40 斤粪便和尿。

1 头猪日排污量相当于 6 个人的排污量,1 头牛的排污量超过 20 人的排污量,1 只鸡的排污量超过 1 个人的排污量。

Research shows:

30% of the land area is occupied by the livestock industry.

33% of arable land is used to grow fodder crops.

Residues of chlorine-treated hydrocarbon pesticides in U.S. meats reach 55 percent, whereas those in vegetables, fruits and grains are less than 10 percent.

For every catty of beef you eat, you add about 40 catties of feces and urine to the world.

The daily sewage discharge of 1 pig is equivalent to the sewage discharge of 6 people, that of 1 cow exceeds that of 20 people, and that of 1 chicken exceeds that of 1person.


Go on a vegetarian diet for one day can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 4.1 kg.


Following the SMILE EARTH collection, the international fashion brand VETEMENTS launches the Vegetarianism” collection. With its new witty, interesting and imaginative printed T-shirts voicing for vegetarianism, VETEMENTS advocates people to direct focus back on themselves as well as their own diet so as to pursue a healthier lifestyle.


Make a vegan-burger to put that healthy idea into perspective


Satin shirt with colorful fruits and vegetables pattern, refreshing for both body and mind


Sweet wax gourd, try it and love it


Vigorous mushroom on the body, fully powered on the mind


New arrivals of T-shirts with fruits and vegetables to gather fresh power, vitality and fun


The affordable luxury fashion brand UK VETEMENTS achieves product creativity from different perspectives, applying the most fashionable and current design elements. It interprets fashion with the Internet slang of the public in the new era, thus contributing to the worlds growing trends with the fastest rhythm. Join us and make every piece of VETEMENTS outfits a stage for you to shine bright.